
To learn to use the treasure of the TRUE GOSPEL to discipline and inspire us to right actions. We will demonstrate the WORD OF GOD in our daily lives, so that we may advance the KINGDOM OF GOD M.O.R.E- as we reach out so as to bring within, the BODY of the Living Saviour (Philippians 1:6) a more prepared people (Philippians 3:15). For in Him we live and move and have our being! (Acts 17:28a)

Constantly increase M.O.R.E.= Ministry of Reconciliation Every (one, where, time) by bearing four main types of FRUIT (self, others, outreach ministries, and finances). To also daily demonstrate lovingkindness to all we encounter. Philippians 1:27a

Processing fear and faith in God the Father through Jesus Christ, so as to maintain confidence in our unceasing prayers through the Holy Ghost. (Philippians 1:2-5)